Wednesday, November 12, 2008

This is Dallan and Allie's first time seeing Cody (except through the glass at the NICU) So they were really excited to see him home. They are the best big brother and big sister anyone could want. They are very attentive and want to help. They also know the rules about cleaning their hands before they touch Cody.

I took this picture today as Cody was laying on my chest. He loves to be held. In fact he screams most of the time if you put him down. He screams a lot when you change his diapers too. But I think that is because that is when the nurses would poke his heels and do all the test to him. So he has bad memories. He is getting better. He looked so content this afternoon I just had to try and get a picture and I think it turned out okay.

As for everyone else we are doing well. Trying to get back into the hang of life. I am trying to figure out how to get anything done between feeding and changing Cody. Poor Allie wants attention and Dallan is awesome and helps out so much. Allie would love to be able to take care of Cody.

Here is a funny tid bit. I am breast feeding and I've explained to the kids that moms body makes milk for Cody and that is all he can eat right now. Allie asked me to do something and I told her I couldn't because I had to feed Cody. She thought I said that she had to feed Cody. So replied in panic that she didn't have milk in her belly to feed Cody and he would hurt her if he tried to eat from her belly. There is no milk in there!! She was so upset. It took me a few minutes to convince her that she didn't have to feed Cody, I was going too. :) All in the eyes of a three year old.

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